Monday, March 7, 2016

Chris Magleby, CEO

I don't like introducing myself as a CEO. When people ask me what I do, I never say that I'm a CEO. I rarely say that I own part of our company either. I usually say that I work for a firm that does patient satisfaction surveys.

Jessica, one of our account managers, always goes out of her way to introduce me as her boss if she gets the chance because she knows it makes me uncomfortable.

None of my social media accounts have ever said what I do. I don't like to brag, and when your title is CEO, sometimes just saying it sounds like you are bragging. So I rarely talk about being a CEO. If you didn't know any better, you would think I'm ashamed of what I do. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Outside of my family and close friends, nothing brings me more joy in this life than being the CEO of Pinnacle QI. It's the most exciting, rewarding, challenging, and incredible job I could ever have hoped for.

I've decided to be a little more open about me and about what I do. I've made my social media accounts available to anyone (and even say what I do in my bios, ha). I'm also going to start regularly blogging here. Both as Chris Magleby, some dude, and Chris Magleby, CEO.

Not that I am terribly interesting or that everyone could learn a few things from me, but because what we have accomplished at Pinnacle and what we are trying to accomplish is pretty interesting. I think our customers, employees, and any other stake holders have the right to know a little but more about me and the direction I am taking this company.

I hope it's not too boring.

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